Lowongan Customer Relation Officer Februari Maret 2011
Job Vacancy February March 2011 Customer Relation Officer Salary ( 3.5 – 4.5jt)
- Female, single, max 25 years old
- Good Looking, Graduated from S1 any discipline
- Having minimum 1 years working experiences as CRO or Customer Services
- Computer Literate (MS.Office), Good command of English both written and spoken
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, Able to handle customer
complains (Local Customer or Expatriate)
please send your application letter, CV and a recent photograph via e-mail to:
recruitment@kasyasindo.co.id or see our website www.kasyasindo.co.id
Iklan Link
- Paula Health Shop
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- Tabita Skin Care Original
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- Tabita Skin Care Cantik
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- Tabita Skin Care Kosmetik
- Tabita Skin Care
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- Tabita Skin Care Malaysia
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- Tabita Skin Care ASLI
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- Produk Tabita Skin Care
- Paula Health Shop
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Lowongan Kerja Terbaru
Lowongan Kerja
Jual Parfum Branded Original
Kami adalah sebuah perusahaan pembiayaan konsumen yang sedang berkembang pesat dengan memiliki kantor operasional yang tersebar luas di Pulau Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali dan Lombok dan bernaung dalam Group Perusahaan yang solid, memberikan kesempatan kepada tenaga professional untuk menempati posisi sebagai
dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
Persyaratan Umum :
ü Pendidikan D-3
ü Pernah sebagai kepala cabang perusahaan pembiayaan / leasing minimal 3 tahun atau sebagai area manager
minimal 2 tahun di kendaraan roda dua dan / atau empat
ü Menguasai MS Office
Persyaratan Khusus :
ü Pria , Usia maks. 40 tahun,
ü Lebih diutamakan memiliki relasi yang luas, komunikator yang baik serta mengerti dalam memimpin cabang
dan Area (Sales, Collection dan Administrasi)
ü Mampu membuat rencana kerja, mengkoordinir dan mengkontrol cabang-cabang
ü Mampu membentuk team marketing, team collection dan team administrasi.
ü Sanggup bekerja dengan target dari manajemen.
ü Ditempatkan di cabang Pulau Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali, Maluku dan Irian Jaya.
Apabila Anda memiliki leadership yang kuat, dapat bekerja secara team mempunyai inisiatif tinggi, jujur – bertanggung jawab serta mau bekerja keras, kirimkan lamaran lengkap berikut CV, pasfoto berwarna dan salary yang diminta ke recruitment_mdpuf@yahoo.com atau ke MDPUF Building, Jalan Gajah Mada, Kompleks Duta Merlin Blok D 3-6, Jakarta Pusat 10130.
Tanggal Penutupan : 03/Maret/2011
Lowongan Nestle sebagai Elektrician Graduate from D3 – Electrical Engineering Februari 2011 Pasuruan – Jawa Timur
Nestle Indonesia is a leading food Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company. Our Company has for the past 142 years produces the best product with a passion for excellence in food safety and quality. We are committed to these ideals and value the trust given to us by our consumers worldwide.
If you have the same passion for excellence, we invite people with professional knowledge, personal integrity, and strong motivation to excel and enjoys facing challenges in a dynamic organization to join as our:
Work Location: Pasuruan – Jawa Timur
The selected candidates will be responsible to provide quality support in maintaining our manufacturing facilities to ensure smooth operation of our manufacturing activities in our plants. Training and development plan will be provided to assist selected candidate to develop his/her competences to meet our requirement.
The Requirements:
* Graduate from D3 – Electrical Engineering program with GPA minimum of 3.00 of 4 scale
* Previous experience in relevant field will be an advantage
* Enjoy working with people and have a lot of energy
* Quality and safety conscious
Work Location : Pasuruan – Jawa Timur
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Home > lowongan lulusan d3 > Lowongan Nestle Februari 2011
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Lowongan Nestle Februari 2011
February 9, 2011 by Lowongan Kerja
Lowongan Nestle sebagai Elektrician Graduate from D3 – Electrical Engineering Februari 2011 Pasuruan – Jawa Timur
Nestle Indonesia is a leading food Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company. Our Company has for the past 142 years produces the best product with a passion for excellence in food safety and quality. We are committed to these ideals and value the trust given to us by our consumers worldwide.
If you have the same passion for excellence, we invite people with professional knowledge, personal integrity, and strong motivation to excel and enjoys facing challenges in a dynamic organization to join as our:
Work Location: Pasuruan – Jawa Timur
The selected candidates will be responsible to provide quality support in maintaining our manufacturing facilities to ensure smooth operation of our manufacturing activities in our plants. Training and development plan will be provided to assist selected candidate to develop his/her competences to meet our requirement.
The Requirements:
* Graduate from D3 – Electrical Engineering program with GPA minimum of 3.00 of 4 scale
* Previous experience in relevant field will be an advantage
* Enjoy working with people and have a lot of energy
* Quality and safety conscious
Work Location : Pasuruan – Jawa Timur
The selected candidate will be responsible to ensure supply quality products by operating and maintaining our modern facilities in our manufacturing plant in Pasuruan – East Java. Training and development plan will be provided to assist selected candidate to develop his/her competences to meet our requirement.
The Requirements:
* Graduate from D3 or Polytechnic program of Mechanical, Electrical or Chemical Engineering or Food Technology with GPA minimum 2.80 of 4 scale
* A team player with high motivation, capacity to learn, precision and ability to work under pressure
* Quality conscious & have a lot of energy
Selected candidates will be offered a competitive remuneration package and career opportunity, and various training programs.
Interested applicants may send application and CV in soft file (doc or pdf file format) to :
PT Nestlé Indonesia
e-mail: recruitment.kjn@id.nestle.com
Please put the job title as email subject
Closing Date: 17 February 2011
Kami dari Arista Studio,
Studio khusus untuk foto bayi dan anak, membuka lowongan dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut
- Perempuan
- Umur maksimal 30 tahun
- Bisa mengoperasikan komputer
- Sabar
- Suka dengan anak kecil
Renumerasi :
- Gaji
- Uang makan
- Sistem bonus
Jam kerja :
10.00 - 21.00
Bagi yang tertarik atau punya kenalan dapat menghubungi :
089-8883 2221
Lokasi penempatan di Mall Gajah Mada Plaza